Making SWAPs should be fun. If it’s stressing you out, perhaps that SWAP isn’t the one for you. There are no rules on materials or ways you must assemble a SWAP. Experiment and find a way that works better for you and your kids.
1. Tools.
Your tools might be specifically for SWAPs and you want to keep them apart from other crafting materials. Alternatively, you might use the same tools for multiple projects. How might you be sure to have all the tools available to make one or more types of SWAPs? Create a checklist or explore other ways to be sure you have the tools you need when you’re ready to make SWAPs.
2. Materials.
Review the Enrichment Project supplement for a list of basic materials. Start your own collection with what you already have. Brainstorm ways to get materials at little or no cost. Try to use recycled materials and tools instead of buying new.
3. No.
There are some items you never want to use in a SWAP. These include glass, sharp objects and food. You want to make sure your SWAP does not cause harm to someone else. If you’re thinking food wouldn’t cause harm, think of what will be attracted to the food. Brainstorm a list of items not to include as part of a SWAP. Then, what items might you substitute for those you can’t include.
4. Other.
Make a SWAP following another’s directions. You can use one from online. Following someone else’s directions allows you to see how others have created the instructions, what works and doesn’t, what is unclear and identifying how they can be improved. Note any items missing from the directions. Could you make the directions clearer? What do you like or not like about the directions? Now that you’ve identified the issues, improve it!
5. SWAP Fun.
Check out the Enrichment Project SWAP Fun supplement set for SWAP instructions. While there are only about 30 now, I have been collecting directions for years in addition to my own SWAP collection. This will be added to as I have time. The initial ones will give you a place to start.
6. Kit.
Another way to make SWAPs is to purchase a kit with all the pieces to make a SWAP. A few options are in the Sites to Explore area below.
Before you go crazy assembling SWAPs, put aside the materials for one SWAP and the instructions in a zip-top bag. This is your reference bag if you need to purchase more materials to make more without purchasing another kit. You can also take photos of these items instead. After you have your pieces so you can recreate the SWAP, assemble one and include it in your reference bag as well.
You can make the remaining SWAPs yourself or allow others to help.
7. Sheet.
Document your own SWAP creation directions. You can get a supplement from Form Fun or use a sheet of paper. This will allow you to recreate your unique SWAP design later.
8. Samples.
When you’re creating your own SWAPs, having samples can be inspiring. These might be duplicates you’ve collected, extras you’ve made or failed experiments that didn’t quite work for you. Do you have a collection you can look at? If not, start one.
9. Disassemble.
One way to learn how someone else has created a SWAP is to take it apart. Take a few photos before you do this. Also, take photos during the disassembly process. This will give you something to refer to later. Take apart a SWAP and see how it’s made.
10. Recreate.
The simplest way to make a SWAP is to recreate something you normally see, but make it much smaller . . . 1- to 2- inches in size is ideal. So, a God’s Eye can be made with embroidery floss and toothpicks instead of twigs and yarn. A taco can be made with a circle of tan / yellow fun foam folded in half with colored pieces inside to represent lettuce, tomato and cheese. Look at your theme and brainstorm items that fit it. Then, downsize your ideas into a SWAP.
11. Design.
Sitting with a pile of materials and tools with no direction can be daunting. However, if you have made a lot of SWAPs yourself, you’ll have an idea of what works together and what doesn’t. Having a theme determined before starting can help you determine what you want to make as well. Create your own SWAP. Document the tools, materials and steps so you have a sample plus a process for your unique design.
12. Quantity.
Determine the number of SWAPs you need. If it’s for an official event, you will probably be given guidelines. If you’re doing this for a small group, you want to make sure you have one for every attendee and volunteer.
Along with quantity is the number of different kinds you want to make. For younger girls, making a single SWAP is difficult enough. Teenagers who have swapped before know that an entire troop making the same SWAP is not ideal. Each girl may choose to make a different one or even multiple different ones. This might be limited because of materials on hand as well. Determine how many SWAPs you need, then the type(s) for a specific making session.
13. Assembly.
Assembly of one SWAP is easy. What if you need to make 10 or 100? Creating an assembly line or breaking your process into steps can help you get it done faster. It also allows you to take part of it with you so you can work on them during your downtime. Look at how you might take a SWAP and break it down to implement an easy assembly process.
14. Activity box.
Take one SWAP (or a themed collection) and make an activity box for others to use. See the badge program “Activity Box: SWAPs” for more information.
Badge and Supplement Files
Member Level
- EP_Badge List_SWAPMaker_larajla — list of badge items
- EP_Badge Set_SWAPMaker_larajla — list of badge set and related badges
- EP_Supp_List_SWAPMaker_larajla — list of supplements for the badge
- SUPP_BPG_SWAPMaker_2in_12up_larajla — generic badge printable
- SUPP_SWAPMaker_Journal_larajla — badge journal
- SUPP_SWAPMaker_Planner_larajla — badge planner
Supplement Fun
- SUPP_Form Fun_SWAP Creation_larajla — Form to write out directions for your original SWAP
- SUPP_List Fun_SWAP_Material_larajla — Possible materials for SWAPs
- SUPP_List Fun_SWAP_Tools_larajla — Possible tools for SWAPs
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Alien_larajla — SWAP: Alien
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Bedroll_larajla — SWAP: Bedroll
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Blanket_larajla — SWAP: Blanket
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Blow Dryer_larajla— SWAP: Blow Dryer for Camp
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Breast Cancer_larajla — SWAP: Breast Cancer
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Camp Fire_larajla — SWAP: Camp Fire
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Camp in a Bag I_larajla — SWAP: Camp in a Bag I
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Camp in a Bag II_larajla — SWAP: Camp in a Bag II
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Camp Juniper Knoll_larajla — SWAP: Camp Juniper Knoll Sign
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Charmed USA_larajla — SWAP: Charm with “USA” Letters
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Fabric Sit Upon_larajla — SWAP: Fabric Sit-Upon
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Foam Sit Upon_larajla — SWAP: Fun Foam Sit-Upon
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Friendship Knot_larajla — SWAP: Friendship Knot
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Juniper Knoll Postcard_larajla — SWAP: Camp Juniper Knoll Postcard
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Make Your Own_larajla — SWAP: Make Your Own SWAP (track with form, above)
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Marshmallow I_larajla — SWAP: Marshmallow I (roasting)
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Necklace_larajla — SWAP: Necklace to put SWAPs on
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Patriotic Bandana_larajla — SWAP: Patriotic Bandana
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Patriotic Wreath_larajla — SWAP: Patriotic Wreath
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Shooting Star_larajla — SWAP: Shooting Star
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Simple Roll Bead_larajla — SWAP: Simple Roll Bead
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Spider I_larajla — SWAP: Spider I
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Star I_larajla — SWAP: Star I
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Star Light_larajla — SWAP: Star Light
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Star Poem_larajla — SWAP: Star Poem
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_String Keyrings_larajla — SWAP: String Keyrings (only non-pin SWAP so far)
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Tablecloth Sit Upon_larajla — SWAP: Tablecloth Sit-Upon
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Tape Sit Upon_larajla — SWAP: Tape Sit-Upon
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Tic Tac Toe in a Bag_larajla — SWAP: Tic-Tac-Toe in a Bag
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_UV_larajla — SWAP: UV Beads (safety)
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Wash Up_larajla — SWAP: Wash Up
- SUPP_SWAP Fun_Word I_larajla — SWAP: Word I
Sites to Explore
- makingfriends.com
- swaps-a-lot.ecrater.com/c/776119/swaps-kits
- swaps4less.ecrater.com
www.etsy.com/market/girl_scout_swaps - www.etsy.com/shop/minimecrafts
mommysnippets.com/girl-scouts-swaps-tutorial - www.gscwm.org/content/dam/girlscouts-gscwm/documents/Simple%20Crafts%20and%20SWAPS.pdf
- www.girlscoutsem.org/content/dam/girlscouts-girlscoutsem/documents/PEP_DO_RE_MI_And_SWAPS.pdf
- smartgirlsdiy.com/2015/10/girl-scout-swaps-smores-friends
- dolldiaries.com/mini-doll-sized-girl-scout-swaps
- www.artistshelpingchildren.org/artscraftsideaskids/#alphabet
- hellocreativefamily.com/27-swaps-ideas-girl-guides-girl-scouts
- www.scoutlander.com/publicsite/unitcustom.aspx?UID=12695&CUSTOMID=37861
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYRo7PlwvBg
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q_SVBB5x-s
- kandipatterns.com
Get the infographic here > larajla blog post
Get the PDFs of the badge program / supplements here