The Enrichment Projects provides digital badge programs, links to help earn the badges and more to give you access to knowledge that you can use yourself or share with others.
So, what do you do with it all when you’re feeling overwhelmed?
What You Get
1. Provided.
Each badge program comes with a series of steps, links and supplements. The goal is to provide the basic items you need to start learning about a subject that will help you and / or the kids you work with. Check out a badge program and keep notes as you work through this badge program.
2. Updates.
The badge programs are updated for new sites to explore, process adjustments and it may even need to split into multiple badges because the information is too much for one badge program.
Previously, badge programs were as long as they needed to be. With the last update, all badge programs have between 10 and 15 steps. The new updates are designed to make everything more focused on a single idea, process or area of study. You can identify these badge programs by looking at the badge sets supplements mentioned in the next step.
3. Sets.
Badge sets are a group of badges that go together. These are created based on a single specific subject. For these, start with a “basic” or “explorer” badge, if available, as that’s the easiest way to learn these. Check out the list of badge sets to see which badges are included in sets.
NOTE: The “also” badges are related, but not actually part of the set. You can use these as a way to bring information into the original badge set. For example, the Digital Photography badge set has an also to “Photo Crafts.” While photo crafts are not limited to digital photography, it can be used with it easily.
4. No GnG.
The Grab ‘n’ Go sheets are being incorporated as supplements into the badge programs. They will no longer be available separately. To see some of these, check out the “Activity Box SWAPs” and “Activity Box Crafts” badge programs.
How to Use It
5. Activity boxes.
Speaking of activity boxes, a great way to use many of the badge programs and supplements is to create activity boxes — physical or digital. This might be as simple as a three-ring binder with song sheets in it for a themed singing event to a digital collection of puzzles, coloring sheets and activity ideas for a themed family fun night. Check out the badge set for Activity Boxes set for ideas!
6. Events.
Single badges can be used for small events as the steps may be used to share your knowledge with others. Badge sets can be used for larger events, themed weekend camps, repeatable events or even a day camp. You can also pick steps out to create your own training events. Look at one of the badge sets that interest you. How might you be able to make it into either a single, series or even week-long event?
7. Supplements.
Previously, supplements were merely ways for me to provide additional information that was not available online. That changed when I created the Girl Scout Traditions set. With over 300 supplements, it had everything from public domain badge programs to coloring sheets. Many of the items I had created over the years, but some were ones I found. I realized I could do so much more with supplements.
With the start of the 2017 complete revamp of the Enrichment Project, each badge starts with two supplements:
- Badge Printables — Sheet that prints on Avery 2.5″ label sheets
- Badge Checklist — Sheet with all the steps and supplements listed
Badge printables allow you to give the kids or adults something when you do activities with them to show the badge program they worked on. They can wear it, you can put it on a blank certificate, etc. The badge checklist allows you to track what you did with the badge program or you can use it when you’re presenting the program to others.
In addition, I’m starting to include supplements that you can pass onto others. Coloring sheets, puzzles and other printables allow you to take what you’ve learned to the next level. Some will be release with the badge sets. Others will be added later as I continue searching through materials I’ve previously created.
More to Come
8. Expand.
Taking classes has made me aware of what more I can do with the supplements. For this reason, I am seriously thinking of creating full page, single color prints of each badge to use for identifying what you’re doing on-site or at ceremonies as well as full page color sheets of each badge. These sheets help expand the pieces that reflect the badge itself. Watch for notifications when they become available.
9. Puzzles.
A series of classes I took involved creating puzzles. Eventually, this will become a badge set. In the meantime, you may see puzzles added to badge program descriptions. These will be announced, but may not actually be placed on the blog.
10. Sets, revisited.
As badge sets are created, I will be adding to the “Activity Box ” supplements. There are two examples that went out with this badge set — Coloring and Zendoodle. One supplement lists all digital assets provided by the Enrichment Project that goes with the set. The second supplement lists the basic physical materials you need for an activity box for the badge set. By having a list, you can ensure that you have all pieces before starting.
11. Classes.
I take a lot of classes myself. In 2017, I’ve taken classes regarding the public domain, writing, publishing, marketing, doodle books, digital product creation, Etsy, Kindle, InDesign and more. Everything I learn influences what I put out for you to learn. For example, I took three different class series on Coloring Books a couple years ago. Earlier this year, an entire badge set went out reflecting that training as well as offering Kudos to Tony Laidig, the instructor.
Look at the classes that interest you. Is there something you can take that will help you to earn a badge program or expand what you’ve already gotten from the Enrichment Project? Is there one that you’d like to see as a badge program?
12. Suggestions.
Do you have suggestions on what I can do to improve the badge programs or supplements? How about new ones that you’d like to see created? I’d love to hear from you! You can find me anywhere online by searching for “larajla” or you can join the Enrichment Project Facebook group.
SUPP_EP Beyond_2in_12up_larajla
- Avery 2.5” round label printable, 12 up
SUPP_EP Beyond_Checklist_larajla
- Badge checklist
Sites to Explore
Get the infographic here > larajla blog post
Get the PDFs of the badge program / supplements here > Full badge PDFs