Whether you want to do individual sheets or an entire book, creating your own coloring sheets with your hand created designs can be fun.
Let’s learn how to do it by hand.
1. Before you start.
Always keep a copy of your originals! It doesn’t take much to snap a picture with your phone, scan it to a PDF file or even make a copy as you work on your design. Your originals can be used for future color sheets – either to make more copies or for inspiration.
2. Zendoodle.
Haven’t done Zendoodle (or Zentangle®) before? Check out the Enrichment Project badge program set “Zendoodle” for more information. Simply, take a shape. Divide it into three or more sections. Then, add patterns to each section. After you have the sections, you can color them any way you wish.
3. Mandala.
There are a lot of videos on YouTube showing how to create mandalas. Find a few, watch them and try it yourself. To help out, there are three grids as part of the supplements for this badge program. Remember to draw a repeating pattern around the center of your design.
4. Paisley.
Starting with a basic paisley shape, create your own unique paisley design. Need inspiration? Do a search in your favorite search engine. Paisleys can be used as a single element or you can use a lot of smaller ones on a color sheet.
5. Geometrics.
Lines, circles and other geometric shapes can be used to create a pattern over an entire sheet, a portion of a sheet or even to fill a shape. Experiment with making repeating geometric shapes for a color sheet.
6. Stencils.
Stencils can be patterns, shapes and more. You can use them for the outline for your color sheet. Fill it with patterns, geometric designs or just decorate your stenciled outline. Do you have stencils? If not, you can make your own with paper and punches or even outline a shape on a sheet of paper and cut it out. Experiment with stencils.
7. Nature inspires.
Take a nature walk. Look at the shapes and skeletons of leaves. Does the trunk and branches of a tree inspire you? The detail of a flower or insect can also be a great way to start your color sheet. Don’t wait to sketch it . . . unless you’re fast. I prefer to snap pictures from a variety of angles so I have them for reference and work from those. What can you find inspiring on your walk?
8. Architecture inspires.
I have this fascination with unique doors. This is only one architectural element you might want to use in your coloring book designs. Skyscrapers can help start a geometric design. Bridges might start a gentle curve. Check out architectural elements you have available locally. Look at buildings, bridges, windows, doors, brick walkways and anywhere design has met with architecture. How might you use this to create a color sheet?
9. Online inspires.
When all else fails . . . Google it! Of course, searching Pinterest or Flickr might be a better choice. Start a file for the images that inspire you most. Archive them for future inspiration. See something that wants to be started now? Stop and create a color sheet!
10. Drawing and sketching.
If you’re artistic, you might find it’s just easier to draw or sketch out a landscape, portrait or a boat out on the lake. Yes, I was at the beach a few days ago and took photos of the boats. Be light on the details and heavy on the outlines. Draw a color sheet.
11. Light table fun.
Tracing a photo, drawing, collage item, etc. can all be done with a light table. Don’t have one? You can use a window with strong sunlight behind it or a glass tabletop with a light under it. You might even want to trace your own artwork if it’s too detailed for a color sheet. Experiment with tracing items for a color sheet.
SUPP_CS Drawn_2in_12up_larajla
- Avery 2” round label printable, 12 up
SUPP_CS Drawn_Checklist_larajla
- Badge checklist
SUPP_CS Drawn_Grid 06_larajla
- 6-section circular grid for making hand-drawn designs
SUPP_CS Drawn_Grid 09_larajla
- 9-section circular grid for making hand-drawn designs
SUPP_CS Drawn_Grid 12_larajla
- 12-section circular grid for making hand-drawn designs
SUPP_CS Drawn_Paisley 01_larajla
- Paisley shape to draw your shape onto
SUPP_CS Drawn_Paisley 02_larajla
- Paisley shape to draw your shape onto
SUPP_CS Drawn_Square Grid_larajla
- Cyan grid for drawing a geometric design (or use graph paper)
Sites to Explore
- www.youtube.com
- www.pinterest.com
- www.flickr.com
- www.craftsy.com/blog/2015/05/how-to-make-a-coloring-book
- club.chicacircle.com/how-to-make-your-own-inspirational-coloring-page
- www.coloringpages4u.com/drawyourown_drawyourown_blank_coloringpage
- www.thecraftersworkshop.com/blog/2015/10/diy-adult-coloring-pages
Get the infographic here > larajla blog post
Get the PDFs of the badge program / supplements here > Full badge PDFs