Printables can offer you a variety of styles and colors that you can incorporate into your vision board. You can also use them for the process of brainstorming before creating your board and some are even just full vision boards for you to fill in.
1. Online.
You can find free and purchasable printables for vision boards online. Some are merely printables, but some include additional information on using the printable or event tips on vision board creation as well. Explore what you can find online by searching with your favorite search engine, Pinterest, etc.
2. Make.
You can make your own printables. As you work on your vision board, you’ll find some pieces you want to digitally recreate to make the type bigger, change the look or even coordinate your colors. You can release the images individually like the ones I sent out over the blog or you can make sheets like the supplements listed below. Share a graphic, word or other element you created on your computer with someone else.
3. Supplements.
You’ll find supplements listed at the bottom of this badge program as examples of different kinds of printables you can use. As you read through the rest of the steps, find printables that correspond to the step and decide if you could use the printable for your vision board.
Printable Types
4. Brainstorm.
You can grab a blank paper for a brainstorm. A form may help you define your goals. This might be narrowing down your choices or grouping them by types. Find a printable that will help with brainstorming goals for your vision board. Try it!
5. Color sheets.
Though not included in the supplements, color sheets can be used on a vision board. Since you choose the colors, you can coordinate with other elements on your board. You can also print a black and white coloring sheet on a sheet of color paper and not color it in. Find a color sheet you might like to include on your vision board.
6. Singles.
Single words can be powerful. They are often action or reminder words. Power words are those that are designed to elicit an emotional response. This makes them a great idea for vision boards. Check out the singles within the supplements. Find one or more that will work on your vision board.
7. Phrases.
A phrase is anything more than a single word. Check out the “be” supplements that encourage you to “be something.” What other phrases can you use on your vision board? Make a list as you’re collecting materials to build it.
8. Headers.
Headers allow you to break your board into sections or be the reason for all the elements on your board. These can be completely pre-printed or can allow some customization by you.
9. Dual purpose.
You may find some pieces that have more than one purpose. For example, you might want to put your brainstorming sheet on your vision board to document your process or to have it later for review when you have completed your goal. Check out the Envision Cards in the Supplement area below. You can use them to brainstorm as well as to put them on your board as goal reminders. Is the duality easier for you to work with?
10. Quotables.
Quotes by famous people (or sometimes even fictional characters) can help remind you of your goals. Often an image or background is included with the quote. Quotables are easy to find online. Find a few that really speak to you and support your vision board.
11. Fill ins.
Printables where you can fill in information also might work for you. In researching this badge, I found full vision boards that you just need to fill in. You can also have printables that you fill in digitally. Check out what you can find online.
12. Various.
Lists, graphics and other items can also be included on your vision board. As your vision board is unique to you, you may find items that support your goals that don’t fit into the above printables or even traditional printed media. Some of the odd things I’ve created for my vision board are in the “various” supplement that do not fit any of the above printable types. What else could you use for your vision board that’s not included in this badge program?
SUPP_VB Printables_2in_12up_larajla
- Avery 2.5” round label printable, 12 up
SUPP_VB Printables_Checklist_larajla
- Badge checklist
- Printable: My Future Statements as goal setting
- Printable: “Be” Blue Cards
- Printable: “Be” Green Cards
- Printable: “Be” Orange Cards
- Printable: “Be” Pink Cards
SUPP_Printable_Goal Headers_Blue_larajla
- Printable: Goal Headers in Blue
SUPP_Printable_Goal Headers_Green_larajla
- Printable: Goal Headers in Green
SUPP_Printable_Goal Headers_Orange_larajla
- Printable: Goal Headers in Orange
SUPP_Printable_Goal Headers_Pink_larajla
- Printable: Goal Headers in Pink
SUPP_Printable_Power Words_larajla
- Printable: Power Words List
SUPP_Printable_Quick Sheet_larajla
- Printable: Quick Sheet for Vision Boards
- Printable: Singles in Blue
- Printable: Singles in Green
- Printable: Singles in Orange
- Printable: Singles in Pink
SUPP_Printable_VB Brainstorm_larajla
- Printable: Vision Board Goals Worksheet
SUPP_Printable_VB Evaluation_larajla
- Evaluation worksheet for after your vision board event
SUPP_Printable_VB Envision Cards_larajla
- Printable: Envision Cards for Brainstorming or Your Vision Board
SUPP_Printable_VB I Header Strips_11_825_larajla
- Printable: Header Strips with “I” Statements
SUPP_Printable_VB I Want_larajla
- Printable: “I Want” Brainstorm Goals
SUPP_Printable_VB Shared_larajla
- Printable: Items Shared on Blog
SUPP_Printable_VB Various_larajla
- Printable: Various from My Own Vision Board
Sites to Explore
Get the infographic here > larajla blog post
Get the PDFs of the badge program / supplements here > Full badge PDFs