Father’s Day celebrates those men in our lives that exemplify the ideal “dad”. This might be a father, step-father, grandfather or other male figure in our lives. Explore the holiday as we celebrate.
1. United States.
Father’s Day was created to complement “Mother’s Day” and is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. It celebrates fatherhood, paternal bonds and the influence of male figures in society. It was first celebrated in 1910 when Sonora Smart Dodd heard about Mother’s Day and felt there should be a similar holiday for fathers. Learn more about the history of Father’s Day.
2. Days.
Father’s Day is celebrated different times of the year in different countries. Learn about the different dates and why a specific country celebrates Father’s Day on that day.
3. More.
Like its counterpart, Father’s Day does not just honor fathers. Step-fathers, grandfathers, soldiers and any paternal figure are honored during this time. Who do you honor on this holiday?
4. Military.
The military is made up of a male majority. For this reason, Father’s Day is often linked to the men in service of our country. Do you know a male in the military? How do families include a military father who is serving? Can you help?
5. Commercial.
Some believe this holiday is more for businesses than fathers. While most holidays and proponents try to stem the commercialism, retail has had its claws in this holiday since the beginning. Take note of the sales, offers and other retail activities revolving around this holiday.
6. Handmade.
Schools, youth groups and even family members make handmade gifts for their fathers. Explore more about making gifts with the Enrichment Project badge program “Father’s Day Crafts” or search online to find a project or two to try.
7. US traditions.
Explore traditions for this holiday for people in the United States. List each with a brief description.
8. World traditions.
Many other countries celebrate this holiday, incorporating their own history and culture. For example, Spain connects St. Joseph’s Day and Germany celebrates more of a “men’s day.” Learn more about how other countries celebrate this holiday. List those that you might like to incorporate into your own traditions.
9. Edible traditions.
While mothers go out to eat, fathers are encouraged to grill outdoors and feed everyone. Of course, many people go out as it is easier. Take note of the restaurants, grocery stores and other retail businesses and how they promote food / eating in their advertising.
10. Gift traditions.
Beyond the handmade gifts listed above, traditional gifts include neckties, golf accessories and tech items. Take note of the other retail items that seem to dominate this holiday season.
11. My family traditions.
Create a list of your own family’s traditions in regards to Father’s Day. Look through the other traditions above. Are there any you would like to incorporate in your own celebration?
12. Pledge.
Fatherlessness is becoming a problem in the United States. Studies have shown that not having a father leads to problems in a child’s life. Learn about the President’s Fatherhood Pledge.
SUPP_Fathers Day_2in_12up_larajla
- Avery 2” round label printable, 12 up
SUPP_ Fathers Day_Checklist_larajla
- Badge checklist
SUPP_Printable_ Fathers Day_Word_larajla
- Word list for Father’s Day
SUPP_Puzzle Fun_SC_Fathers Day_larajla
- Puzzle Fun: Father’s Day Scramble
SUPP_Puzzle Fun_WF_Fathers Day_larajla
- Puzzle Fun: Father’s Day Word Find
Sites to Explore
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father%27s_Day
- www.history.com/topics/holidays/fathers-day
- www.timeanddate.com/holidays/us/fathers-day
- www.loc.gov/wiseguide/jun03/father.html
- www.census.gov/newsroom/facts-for-features/2014/cb14-ff14.html
- www.fathersdaycelebration.com/fathers-day-history.html
- www.dailyfinance.com/2011/06/16/fathers-day-a-real-holiday-or-just-a-retail-holiday
- www.surfnetkids.com/fathersday/176/how-fathers-day-is-celebrated-around-the-world
- www.eldiariony.com/celebrating-fathers-day-around-the-world
- time.com/2871332/heres-how-9-other-countries-celebrate-fathers-day
- www.holidays.net/father/fathers_day_global.htm
- www.mykidsadventures.com/fathers-day-gift-ideas
- www.fatherhood.gov/pledge
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