Whether you like making music or just listening, sharing your music with others not only gives them new experiences but allows you to enjoy your own music even more.
1. Party.
Have a party for a small group featuring your music. Your party might be a small dinner party with a few friends, a tent in your backyard or even a beach party with everyone being invited by word of mouth. Create a “theme” for the party based on the music.
2. Music club.
Start a monthly “music madness” club where different music is featured each time. Ask a different person to feature their favorite artist(s) each month. Be sure to provide a list of the artists so everyone has a chance to explore the ones they like further.
3. Musical tastes.
Share your musical tastes with friends and family. Be able to share the musician, genre and why you like the music. If you have stories that go with a song, record your story to share as well.
4. Music mates.
Attend a gathering of like-minded musical enthusiasts. Explore other artists in your genre that have been suggested by others.
5. Surf.
Find songs and samples for your musical tastes on the Web. Music transcends political, social and linguistic boundaries. See if you can find samples outside your own country as well. Don’t forget radio stations, streaming audio and even sites that sell music.
Check out original musical offerings on YouTube or other video sites. Many artists offer free songs to entice you into listening to their music. Find one or two new artists to add to your musical playlist.
6. Share playlists.
Create and share your playlists with other enthusiastic listeners.
7. Conversions.
Find how to convert music files so you can play your music on more than one device. Convert song files from those you own to a new device / player.
Create Your Own
8. Guess.
Make up a “guess the instruments” game featuring your music. Present it to others.
9. Choose.
Choose an instrument you’d like to learn to play that is used in your musical genre. Find a local instructor. Determine the price and frequency of lessons. Decide if you would like to pursue this skill.
10. Play.
Learn to play an instrument from your musical genre. Incorporate practice and lesson times into your routine.
11. Play for others.
Play an instrument for fun or profit, perhaps even attend a “talent night” or charity event to help others.
12. Create a tune.
Write your own song or instrumental piece. It can be as simple as a phone ringtone or a complex piece featuring more than one instrument.
13. Share your originals.
Share the music you create with others. Don’t make it complicated. A small handheld digital recorder or a video camera can start your sharing journey.
Make sure to include your song in a playlist, sampler, mix or any other way you feel you might be “discovered.” Don’t forget the video of your performance is also sharable.
SUPP_My Music_2in_12up_larajla
- Avery 2.5” round label printable, 12 up
SUPP_My Music_Checklist_larajla
- Badge checklist
Sites to Explore
- www.ehow.com/how_7200286_share-music-friends.html
- www.seekasong.com
- www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/beginners-guide-to-sharing-itunes-music
- www.digitaltrends.com/music/best-free-and-legal-music-download-sites
- lifehacker.com/5928183/how-to-legally-boost-your-music-library-without-spending-a-dime
- www.thebalance.com/free-music-downloads-1356648
- soundcloud.com
- www.nfmc-music.org
- youtube.com
- vimeo.com
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