Explore cryptids in a different way. From being creative with cryptids, try to investigate whether one is real or not.
Have fun on your excursion into the unknown!
Creative Play
1. Design a cryptid.
Using Legos®, clay, drawing or any other materials, create your own cryptid. In addition to a physical representation, also create a habitat and other descriptive elements for your cryptid. Remember the following:
- Cryptids tend to be found in isolated areas
- Cryptids tend to be solitary and avoid humans
- Cryptids tend to be small on land
- Cryptids can be animals believed to be extinct
- Cryptids can be humanoid
2. Color sheets.
Coloring sheets are a great way to introduce cryptids to kids. Pick a cryptid or two and find color sheets for them.
3. Trading cards.
Make trading cards of existing or imagined cryptids. Include information to help identify your cryptid. Make copies to share with others.
4. Puzzles.
Create puzzles that go with a single or group of cryptids. A few are available in the supplements to give you an idea of what you might do.
5. Pretend.
How might the cryptid act? Does it walk, run or fly? Does it chase its prey or eat leaves from a tree? Pick a cryptid and attempt to act like one.
6. Cryptid hunt.
Create a cryptid hunt for others to try. What “evidence” can be placed to find on the adventure? If you are unable to provide the actual experience, roleplay a cryptid hunt.
7. Story.
After learning about a cryptid, craft a story with it being your main character. It might meet other cryptids to include in the story. You can apply human attributes to your cryptid to make it more fun. After creating your story, document them so you can tell it again.
8. Find proof.
What kind of proof is needed to prove a cryptid exists? Explore the following:
- Eyewitness testimony
- Historical evidence
- Expert interviews
- News reports
- Footprints or other physical evidence
- Photographs
- Bones / parts of creature
- Actual creature
9. Collect evidence.
Learn how to make footprint casts, collect hair samples, document sightings and collect other evidence for scientific research. What tools do you need to collect evidence? Create a field journal to document your work.
10. Believer or skeptic.
Pick a cryptid and look at both sides of a specific cryptid. If you are working with others, create two groups and have one present a believer’s point of view and one a skeptic’s.
SUPP_Cryptid Activities_2in_12up_larajla
- Avery 2.5” round label printable, 12 up
SUPP_Cryptid Activities_Checklist_larajla
- Badge checklist
SUPP_Puzzle Fun_Cryptids_larajla
- Puzzle Fun: Cryptids Word Find
SUPP_Puzzle Fun_Not Cryptids_larajla
- Puzzle Fun: No Longer Cryptids Word Find</small?
Sites to Explore
- createacryptid.wikia.com/wiki/Create-A-Cryptid_Wikia
- www.thecolor.com/Category/Coloring/Cryptids.aspx
- www.wikihow.com/Search-for-Cryptids
- podblasts.com/so-youve-decided-to-hunt-monsters-listen-to-these-podcasts
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptid_Hunters
Get the infographic here > larajla blog post
Get the PDFs of the badge program / supplements here > Full badge PDFs