Some cool paper, a few templates, pencil, scissors and glue. This simple craft can yield a wide variety of bead designs. Adding even more materials can take your simple paper beads into small pieces of artwork.
Rolled Paper Beads
1. Paper.
Paper for beads can be found anywhere, including:
- Magazines
- Catalogs
- Wrapping paper
- Scrapbook paper
- Newspaper
- Wallpaper samples
- Construction paper
- Origami paper
- Sheet music
- Any other type of paper
Try a variety of materials and discover the one(s) you prefer to work with.
2. Template.
Templates make it easier for you to choose what you want from the paper. Not only can you draw around it to make it easier to cut out, you can adjust its placement to avoid words, colors, empty spaces, etc. Check out the templates in the supplements for a great starting point. Print the templates on a heavy stock, acetate or even copy to a light acrylic sheet to last longer.
3. Other.
To make paper beads, other tools and materials you’ll need to have:
- Scissors or craft knife and mat or paper cutter
- Glue
- Sewing needle, skewer, toothpick or other item to wrap paper around
- Ruler (in place of template)
- Pen / pencil
- Foam and toothpicks (for beads to dry)
You probably have these items in your home. Collect them before continuing.
4. Sample.
A template is not enough. For each template, make a sample bead. You can see what it looks like depending on the shape and size of the starting piece.
5. Kids.
If you’re working with kids, their little fingers may not be able to manipulate the paper around something as small as a needle or toothpick. Starting with pencils to wrap around and a glue stick to hold it together will work better for them. Try making paper beads this way first so you have examples to show your kids.
6. Coat.
You need to coat your beads before using them. This keeps the paper in good condition, allowing you to wear them without destroying the paper. Some ways you can do this include:
- Clear nail polish
- Decoupage medium and paint brush
- Embossing fluid, embossing powder and heat source
- Acrylic sealer spray
Seal the beads you made using one or more of these methods.
7. Decorate.
If your paper starts out as rather boring, you can use paint, markers or anything else to decorate your beads. Try decorating a few beads to see if you prefer decorated or non-decorated beads.
Don’t limit yourself to decorating after you’ve rolled the paper. For example, if you use a metallic gold pen on the edges of a triangular black paper before rolling, you’ll have thin gold lines on your final bead. This is especially true when you’re using a thicker paper and don’t want to see the white edges of the paper on your bead.
Other Paper Beads
8. Pulp.
Instead of cutting strips and rolling beads, create beads from recycled newspaper pulp. Try this way of making paper beads.
9. Shape.
Paper shape beads are made with paper punched shapes. You punch multiples of the same shape, fold them in half and glue them together. The string goes down the center of the folded shapes. For your first experiment, use a round paper punch. Explore this way to make paper beads.
10. Cover.
Try a different way to make “paper” beads by gluing paper over wooden beads. Make sure the bead is clean. Thinner papers, such as tissue paper, will wrap over the bead easier. Mulberry paper will hold together better as it is stretched over the bead. Glue the paper and coat it with one of the coating methods listed above or one of your own.
11. More.
Explore even more ways to create “paper” beads. Document what you find and how to make the beads. Make samples and add it to your paper bead possibilities.
Badge and Supplement Files
Member Level
- EP_Badge List_Paper Bead Maker_larajla — list of badge items
- EP_Badge Set_Paper Bead Maker_larajla — list of badge set and related badges
- EP_Supp_List_Paper Bead Maker_larajla — list of supplements for the badge
- SUPP_BPG_Paper Bead Maker _2in_12up_larajla — generic badge printable
- SUPP_Paper Bead Maker_Journal_larajla — badge journal
- SUPP_Paper Bead Maker_Planner_larajla — badge planner
Supplement Fun
- SUPP_Craft Fun_Paper Beads_larajla — craft sheet explaining how to make paper beads
- SUPP_Instruct Fun_Paper Beads_larajla — additional information on making paper beads
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 01_larajla — Template 01 / cross between round and tubular bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 02_larajla — Template 02 / cross between round and tubular bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 03_larajla — Template 03 / for round bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 04_larajla — Template 04 / for round bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 05_larajla — Template 05 / for round bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 06_larajla — Template 06 / for teardrop bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 07_larajla — Template 07 / for teardrop bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 08_larajla — Template 08 / for tubular bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 09_larajla — Template 09 / for tubular bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 10_larajla — Template 10 / for tubular bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 11_larajla — Template 11 / for tubular bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 12_larajla — Template 12 / for varying thickness bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 13_larajla — Template 13 / for varying thickness bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 14_larajla — Template 14 / for varying thickness bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 15_larajla — Template 15 / for varying thickness bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 16_larajla — Template 16 / variant on rounded bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 17_larajla — Template 17 / variant on tubular bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 18_larajla — Template 18 / variant on tubular bead
- SUPP_Temp Fun_Paper Bead 19_larajla — Template 19 / two-tone bead
Sites to Explore
- graciousrain.com/paper-bead-tutorial
- www.how-to-make-jewelry.com/paper-beads.html
- www.thebeadsite.com/chi-hom.html
- www.thesprucecrafts.com/paper-bead-roundup-2904649
- www.beadinggem.com/2010/01/how-to-make-paper-bead-and-jewelry.html
- gomakesomething.com/ht/recycled/paper-beads
- paperbeads.org/category/how-to-make-paper-beads-jewelry
- www.astorybooklife.com/how-to/paper-beads
- www.paperbeadcrafts.com/howto/index.shtml
- www.making-mini-scrapbooks.com/paperbeads.html
- thepapergirlblog.blogspot.com/2010/10/make-paper-covered-wooden-beads.html
- www.papervinenz.com/2012/07/paper-bead-tutorial-summer-fun.html
- www.bigbeadlittlebead.com/guides_and_information/guide_to_making_paper_beads.php
- www.ilovepaperbeads.com/blog/make-paper-bead-angels
- www.ilovepaperbeads.com/blog/how-to-make-a-paper-chinese-lantern-pendant
- www.wikihow.com/Make-Paper-Beads
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