A lot of time is spent at Hogwarts studying. If a quieter or less active event is intended or if you have a limited space, these games are less active games.
1. Gobstones.
Gobstones is the equivalent of marbles. The difference is that the gobstones spit putrid liquid at players when they lose a point. Find rules for marble games to play. Try one or two.
2. Chess.
Whether you choose to have your participants play chess or work as the pieces themselves, chess is a great rainy day activity. Teaching and playing chess is time consuming. You could do this as one-time activity or over a longer period, creating a competition to find the best player or even starting a Wizard’s Chess Club.
3. Who?
As the kids arrive, pin a piece of paper on their back with the name of a character from the Harry Potter books (give easier characters to the younger children). Kids must then move around the room asking questions about their character, which can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. Example questions might be:
- Am I a wizard?
- Am I a Muggle?
- Am I a child?
- Am I good at magic?
Use your bingo set with special Harry Potter cards. You can find blank ones in the supplements below.
5. Puzzles.
Create your own word searches, crosswords and more. Printable games can be created before your event. You can use minimal volunteers with printable games as the participants will help each other. Some puzzles are included in the supplement list for your usage.
6. Printables.
Printables for games like charades or questions to challenge your knowledge can be activities that you can include for a quieter event or even as a cooling down time at the end. Check out the supplements on this badge program as well as “Harry Potter: Games II” and “Harry Potter: Hogwarts Activities” to find more printable ideas.
7. Online.
Harry Potter is a popular theme. Check online to see what other printables and puzzles are available for your group or troop. You may find something you can use “as is” or it might need a bit of tweaking to work. Be sure to document any changes so you can use these again for a similarly themed event.
8. Runes.
Change your runes into a game by replacing each rune with a letter and create secret messages. Use your secret message as a hint to finding the Chamber of Secrets. You can use a series as a a scavenger hunt by asking questions that lead them to different places around your area. How else might you incorporate secret messages with a Harry Potter theme?
9. Guess.
From Bernie Bott’s Beans to chocolate frogs, give your participants a quick game to guess how many. You can award points to the house with the closest guess, give the container to the winner or provide any special award that you wish.
10. Pin.
Everyone has heard of “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.” To make a Harry Potter equivalent, you can pin glasses or the scar on an image of Harry. You might pin a sock on Dobby. Continue brainstorming ways to make your own “pin” game that you can use for a Harry Potter game.
11. Trading cards.
Many card games involve trading cards. Find the trading cards in the supplements and print some out. Let your participants create their own rules.
12. Purchased.
Harry Potter is extremely popular. You can purchase games for your participants to play. This includes games completely based on Harry Potter as well as popular games given a Harry Potter twist. Some include:
- Box Against Potter (Cards Against Humanity)
- Card desks
- Chess
- Clue
- Playing Cards
- Scene It
- Trivia (various)
- Video (various)
13. Make.
Make your own original Harry Potter-based game. You can use the popular characters or explore areas in the series that give you the freedom to add your own imagination. Find the supplement “Hogwarts Houses” sheet that you can use as a possible game board.
Badge and Supplement Files
Member Level
- 0EP_B_BPG_HP_Games II_2in_12up_MS1_larajla — generic badge printable
- 0EP_BLIST_HP_Games II_MS1_larajla — badge items per membership level
- 0EP_BSET0_HP_Games II_MS1_larajla —badge set and related badges
- 0EP_SUPP0_HP_Games II_Journal_MS1_larajla — badge journal
- 0EP_SUPP0_HP_Games II_Planner_MS1_larajla — badge planner
- 0EP_SUPPL_HP_Games II_MS1_larajla — supplements currently available per membership level
Supplement Fun
- 0EP_SUPP0_List Fun_Runes_Elder Futhark_MS2_larajla — List Fun: Elder Futhark Runes
- 0EP_SUPP0_List Fun_Words_HP_Bean Flavors_MS2_larajla — List Fun: Harry Potter – Bernie Bott’s Bean Flavors
- 0EP_SUPP0_List Fun_Words_HP_Characters_MS2_larajla — List Fun: Harry Potter – Characters
- 0EP_SUPP0_List Fun_Words_HP_Charms, Curses Spells_MS2_larajla — List Fun: Harry Potter – Charms, Curses and Spells
- 0EP_SUPP0_List Fun_Words_HP_Magical Potions_MS2_larajla – List Fun: Harry Potter – Magical Potions
- 0EP_SUPP0_Play Fun_BINGO_Harry Potter_MS2_larajla — Play Fun: POTTER (BINGO)
- 0EP_SUPP0_Play Fun_BINGO_Magic_MS2_larajla – Play Fun: MAGIC (BINGO)
- 0EP_SUPP0_Play Fun_BINGO_Spell_MS2_larajla – Play Fun: SPELL (BINGO)
- 0EP_SUPP0_Printable_ATC_HP Bean Flavors_MS2_larajla — Printable: Harry Potter – Bernie Bott’s Bean Flavors Trading Cards (Blank)
- 0EP_SUPP0_Printable_ATC_HP Potions_Blank_MS2_larajla — Printable: Harry Potter – Potion Trading Cards (Blank)
- 0EP_SUPP0_Printable_ATC_HP Potions_Trading Cards_MS2_larajla — Printable: Harry Potter – Potion Trading Cards
- 0EP_SUPP0_Printable_ATC_HP Spells_Blank_MS2_larajla — Printable: Harry Potter – Spells Trading Cards (Blank)
- 0EP_SUPP0_Printable_ATC_HP Spells_Trading Cards_MS2_larajla — Printable: Harry Potter – Spells Trading Cards
- 0EP_SUPP0_Printable_HP_Hogwarts Houses_MS2_larajla — Printable: Harry Potter – Hogwarts Houses Blank Board
- 0EP_SUPP0_Puzzle Fun_Cipher_Harry Potter_MS2_larajla — Puzzle Fun: Harry Potter – Cipher
- 0EP_SUPP0_Puzzle Fun_Quotable_Harry Potter_MS2_larajla — Puzzle Fun: Harry Potter – Quotable
- 0EP_SUPP0_Puzzle Fun_SCR_HP_Character Mix Up_MS2_larajla — Puzzle Fun: Harry Potter – Character Mix Up
- 0EP_SUPP0_Puzzle Fun_SCR_HP_Villain Mix Up_MS2_larajla — Puzzle Fun: Harry Potter – Villain Mix Up
- 0EP_SUPP0_Puzzle Fun_WF_HP Bean Flavors_MS2_larajla — Puzzle Fun: Harry Potter – Bean Flavor Word Find
- 0EP_SUPP0_Puzzle Fun_WF_HP Magical Potions_MS2_larajla — Puzzle Fun: Harry Potter – Magical Potions Word Find
- 0EP_SUPP0_Puzzle Fun_WF_HP Spells_MS2_larajla — Puzzle Fun: Harry Potter – Spells Word Find
Sites to Explore
- www.landofmarbles.com/marbles-play.html
- www.teachervision.fen.com/harry-potter/lesson-plan/2694.html
- www.ehow.com/how_2267460_make-harry-potter-board-game.html
- www.ea.com/games/harry-potter
- partygamesforall.com/harry-potter-party-games
- holidappy.com/party-planning/Games-to-Play-at-Your-Harry-Potter-Party-Printables-for-Easy-and-Entertaining-Things-To-Do-With-a-Group
- www.gamesoftradition.com/best-harry-potter-board-games
- onecreativemommy.com/harry-potter-party-games
- sarahblooms.com/harry-potter-party
Get the infographic here > larajla blog post
Get the PDFs of the badge program / supplements here