Once you have the basics down, you can build on your skills to create even greater shapes and projects.You can even move into three-dimensional items.
1. Rolls.
As you work with more advanced rolls, you’ll find more shapes you can make. Some of these for you to try include:
- Arrow
- Heart
- Holly leaf
2. Center.
All of the loose rolls get a completely different look if you control where the center falls. These types of rolls are called “eccentric.” You do this by gluing and pinning it into place. This gives your final quilled piece a more “artistic” and less “haphazard” look. Look closer at images of rolls online to see the difference. Watch how this is done and try it yourself.
3. Scrolls.
The scrolls with advanced techniques take more practice as they are off-center or multiple scrolls. Try each of these yourself.
- Off-center heart
- Off-center v-scroll
- Double scroll
- Double scroll with flag
- Triple scroll
4. Husking.
You control the center of an eccentric, husking is wrapping the paper around points to create a shape. Husking is popular for leaves to give them a more structured look. Try creating a husking shape. Place it on your sheet or write notes about any tips / tricks you want to remember.
5. Frame.
Sometimes you want your design to fit within a frame. For this, you’ll want to create the frame first with non-rolled strips of paper that are the same width as your quilling paper. A great example of this is outlining letters. Don’t think “inside” only. You might want to do the area around a shape and leave the inside of a shape blank. Just like husking, you’re controlling where the paper will go. Using one of your initials, make a frame and decorate it inside or outside with quilled shapes.
6. Fringing.
Fringing is cutting down into the side of the paper strip to make a fringe. Fringing can be done by hand, but it is very tedious. Fringe a strip of paper, then roll it and keep it tight. After you’re done gluing the shape together, gently push the fringed areas out . . . it will look like flower petals.
NOTE: The cost of a fringer may not be worth it for you if you don’t plan to use it frequently. The time savings is enormous if you choose to get one.
7. Make.
Follow the simple pattern ideas, but use the advanced shapes you created. Compare the looks and decide which you like more. For example, you can replace standard rolls with eccentric ones. If you’re feeling confident, try making something more complicated . . . like a three-dimensional project.
8. Patterns.
At this point, you’re getting familiar with the shapes of paper you can use. Try making your own patterns using the outline shapes of the rolls. Be sure to include some of the advanced techniques you’ve tried with this badge program.
9. Materials.
Traditionally, paper is used for quilling. However, you can find quilled items where corrugated cardboard and felt is used instead of paper. Try creating one or more of the shapes above with a material other than paper.
10. Teach.
Show someone else how to quill. If you’re working with a large group, a tinker toy works great to roll paper on as everyone can see it. Cut strips from an 11 x 17 sheet for demonstration purposes. (Yes, I’ve done this.) Brainstorm other ways you might be able to demonstrate techniques to a group.
11. Share.
Share what you’ve created with others. You can send cards you’ve made or even share photos of quilled items you’ve completed.
Badge and Supplement Files
Member Level
- 0EP_B_BPG_QuillM_2in_12up_MS1_larajla — generic badge printable
- 0EP_BLIST_QuillM_MS1_larajla — badge items per membership level
- 0EP_BSET0_QuillM_MS1_larajla —badge set and related badges
- 0EP_SUPP0_QuillM_Journal_MS1_larajla — badge journal
- 0EP_SUPP0_QuillM_Planner_MS1_larajla — badge planner
- 0EP_SUPPL_QuillM_MS1_larajla — supplements currently available per membership level
Supplement Fun
- 0EP_SUPP0_Printable_Quill Worksheet 2_MS2_larajla — Printable: Advanced quilling shapes worksheet
Sites to Explore
- www.mypaperquilling.com/paper_quilling/free_paper_quilling_projects.php
- www.origami-resource-center.com/quilling.html
- www.craftcreations.com/pages/free-craft-projects (look through products for quilling)
- feltmagnet.com/crafts/Paper-Quilling-Making-Huskings
- quilling.blogspot.com/2006/12/how-to-make-fringed-flowers.html
- www.thepaperycraftery.com
- afashionstar.com/8-easy-paper-flowers-for-home-decor-paper-strip-flower-diy
- verob.centerblog.net/rub-filigramme-.html
- quilling.sewingideas101.com/jewelry/paper-quilling-jewelry-designs
Get the infographic here > larajla blog post
Get the PDFs of the badge program / supplements here