Going beyond the standard teabag folding techniques, we’ll explore ways to expand your skills. Let’s adapt what we’ve already learned to make this craft even better.
1. Edges.
In “Teabag Fold Basics”, we limited our folding to squares. Changing the edges of your squares is one way to do so. Corner rounders or even corner punches can change out the look of your squares. Experiment with pre-cut squares to see how you can change the edges only for a different look.
2. Add.
Instead of removing items from the edge as in the previous step, you can add something. Of course, you’ll need to do a lot of scissor work for this idea. For spring, you might use a paper with bunnies and not only lightly sketch your squares on the paper to cut out, but you could also leave it so the bunny ears stick outside of the square. This would add a different look to your squares as well. Experiment with adding something to your squares.
3. Mix.
Traditional teabag folding dictates that you make a kaleidoscopic or repeating pattern. You can mix this up by folding the squares differently, alternating prints or mix it up in your own unique way. Experiment with replacing one piece, alternating pieces or even making a completely chaotic set of squares with the same folds.
4. World.
You can use non-United States resources for teabag folding. Most of the folds are shown in diagrams, so the language is irrelevant. Find sites in other countries that feature teabag folds to find even more ways to fold and make squares.
NOTE: While still in English, the United Kingdom does a lot more with paper crafts than we do here. I frequent sites and purchase magazines and such specifically for this reason.
5. Stamps.
You can purchase rubber stamps in squares as well as many of the shapes listed below. It is an extra step, but you can control the paper and color. Look at stamps you have available that you can use for this purpose.
6. Create.
You can also create your own tiles. You can duplicate the look of other size-specific items like quilting squares. Public domain images can be used for your own teabag tiles. You can even design a single square and then scan or copy it to make your own truly unique tiles. Experiment with craft items you have available.
7. Round.
Instead of using squares, experiment with either circles or ovals as your starting shape. Start with the folds you already know or look online for folds someone else has tried. Keep notes as you experiment so you can recreate any looks you really like.
NOTE: You can use punches for shapes other than squares as well to help keep your size and shape consistent.
8. Octagon.
Folding octagons is like folding circles, but you get a little more of an idea of where you are with a piece of paper because of the “corners.” Experiment with octagon tiles.
9. Rectangle.
Try folding with rectangles instead of squares. You can use the techniques for squares for a different look.
10. Other.
You don’t have to stick to medallions alone. I’ve made Christmas trees for cards. I’ve seen others only use part of a medallion for fans. Experiment with assembly as well as the folding to find even more “shapes” you can use with this technique.
11. More.
Continue exploring this technique with different shapes, assembly configurations and more. Remember to document your adventure.
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- 0EP_SUPP0_Tech Fun_Teabag_Circle_01_MS2_larajla — Technique Fun: Simple circle tile fold
Sites to Explore
- www.craftymarie.com/2016/05/oval-tea-bag-paper-folding.html
- handcraftedgreetings.com/teabaginst.php
- www.pinterest.com/barbpolenski/teabag-folding-and-tiles
- artbyjean.blogspot.com/search/label/**TEA%20BAG%20FOLDING
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