The following badges deal with hobbies you might choose to try. This category includes challenges as this is one type of way to do a hobby.
- Adventurer
- Challenge Explorer
- Challenge Maker
- Challenger: Cooking / Recipes
- Challenger: Crafts / Maker
- Challenger: Enrichment Project
- Challenger: Games / Play
- Challenger: Hobbies
- Challenger: Learning
- Challenger: Personal
- Challenger: Publish / Write
- Challenger: Self-Care
- Challenger: Youth
- Digital Photography Basics
- Digital Photography Explorer
- Digital Photography Printables
- Digital Photography Share
- Fan Fiction Explorer
- Fan Fiction Writer
- Ghoul Scouts
- Hobby Collector
- Hobby Doer
- Hobby Explorer
- Hobby Maker
- Photo Events
- Photowalk
- Zendoodle Challenges
As of January 2024, this category has 27 badge programs.