Enrichment Project
Originally began as supplemental training for Girl Scout volunteers in July 2010, the Enrichment Project has evolved to work for any teenager or adult. You choose which step(s) you wish to do and learn about the subject of the badge program. You do not have to do all the steps exactly as stated. This allows you some room to learn the basics if you have no experience with the subject or move onto more advanced steps if that’s where your knowledge is.
Enrich Experts
People who choose to enrich themselves and then share that learning with others are Enrich Experts. You might do this as a volunteer working with youth. You might choose to share it with family and friends. You might choose to do community events. It is up to you.
Digital Badge Programs
Each digital badge program includes the following:
- Steps to learn about the subject
- Links to sites with more information
- Support files for the badges
- Supplemental files
Badge Breakdown
Badges are broken down into categories. The Enrichment Project has 17 categories. People may not think that way, so not only are badges listed by category, but you can find them by alphabetical list, release date, or badge set.
As of January 2024, there are over 500 digital badge programs.
Free Offerings
To help spread these badges, the badges, links, and support files are free-to-use. They are my copyright, so I am allowing everyone to use these to help others. They are NOT to be sold. They are NOT to be used to create your own site. They are NOT to be included in compilations.
Badge Sets
With the 2017 update, badges were limited to 15 steps to keep them from being overwhelming. With this change, badge sets became more prominent.
Sets are two or more badges that work together. For example, you might want to Explore a subject before trying the Basics. If you already know a bit, you can skip over the Explore set. Some cover the same information from different views. Some of the badge sets feature an “also” list for additional badges that work with the main set. For example, Printables also has badges for specific types of printables like Bingo, Carnivals, and Vision Boards.
Supplements were sporadically added at first when I couldn’t find an example of what I wanted to show online. I made my own and included it with the badge program.
It has grown to 36 categories. Most of them have a badge program that focuses on a specific category. Those that do not are new and eventually will.
Supplements may be available for a short time on the blog with the release of a badge program. When I make a badge program, I note the supplements I want to go with it. I have to limit my creation time for each badge program, so a lot of the supplements are put on a list for future creation. Any supplements created after the initial release will only be available in the Enrich Expert Membership Library.
As of January 2024, there are over 8,000 supplements.
Enrich Expert Membership Library
I am working on setting up a membership library. There is too much information for it to be called a “membership site.” While it contains the free offerings, it will also include the supplements, those that were released with the badge program and those that are created later as a further extension of the badge program.